Friday, December 27, 2013

Portland Oregon Backyard Boidies

It has been a while since I updated this blog, mostly because I don't get to bird in Bangalore anymore, now that I've temporarily shifted my residence halfway across the world to Portland, Oregon, USA. Being in graduate school I definitely let birdwatching slip into the recesses of my mind where that long growing list of things I want to do once I graduate end up getting dusty and forgotten like most of my to -do-lists these days. To rejuvenate my love for our feathered friends, I signed up for a winter bird count through the Feathers of Color listserv. I also started putting sunflower seeds out in our frontyard for tasty bird treats this winter. I blogged about the experience here thinking that I would put the more "technical" bird descriptions back here on a blog I maintain along with felly Bangalorean bird enthusiasts - Ruthie and Chiku. I am usually in Bangalore visiting family during December and have quite homesick this holiday season. But nothing like rekindling an old passion to bring back many memories of time spent chasing after spot-billed ___, or black-cheeked ___, and red-rumped ___. :) Hehe. Here's a Portland Winter 2013 special. 

All pictures in this post are copyleft attribute only taken by the author.
All of the text information in itallics has been copied from wikipedia articles.